Most comfortable wedges for wearing all day

When you want the height of a high heel, but want a little more of a sturdy feeling under your feet, a wedge is a good way to go.

The important feature of wedges is that they are comfortable. And comfort is the key feature to work shoes that you want to wear all day.

We particularly love the Nine West Cal 9×9 wedges for both their comfort and style (affiliate link).

This style is somewhere between the clunkiness of a tall platform and the sometimes tottering feeling you get from stiletto pumps.

Wedges also certainly have the ability to create the same flattering shape for a woman’s legs and backside as high heels do too.

Best of all, we are long past the time when wedges were thought of as essentially casual. They go with anything from work-wear to a cocktail dress – and for around the pool as well.

Forget the debate about whether these shoes really count as high heels.

The wedge is a style that had endured for quite a while – past trend status to nearly classic.

Highly comfortable for everyday wear, perhaps your new daily “heels” should be wedges?