Stearns Wharf is the oldest working wood wharf in California. The wharf was built in 1872 and celebrated its 150th birthday with a huge party in 2022.
A birthday party might be a good occasion to wear high heels, but not in this case: heels are not recommended on the Wharf.

Some people even say that heels are banned on Stearns Wharf. In 2013, a photo emerged of a “no heels” sign around the wharf which indeed did suggest that heels were not permitted to be worn on it.
But this is not true.
While some places do indeed ban stiletto heels on account of the damage they can do to wooden surfaces, a little investigation shows this to be an exaggeration in the case of Stearns Wharf.
Actually there are no laws or regulations that say you can’t wear heels on Stearns Wharf.
This is not really surprising. After all, this is a wharf that has survived being crashed into boats, and has endured numerous fires and storms. It is hardly going to be damaged by a pair or two of sparkly stilettos.
The true position is explained by the FAQs on the wharf’s own website.
“It is not recommended to wear high heels,” they say. “The heels can get stuck between the planks and heels can get broken.”
In other words, the heels are not recommended because they might get broken. And if your heel gets stuck you might topple over too.
Flat comfortable shoes are suggested instead. So slip your heels in your bag if you’re walking on the wharf and bring them out again once you’re out of range of those heel-killing planks.